Monday, June 8, 2009


Saturday, our friends celebrated their 2nd anniversary with a cookout. They do a really neat thing and throw a shindig for their family and friends to come and hang out. They have it catered and it gives everyone a chance to enjoy their wedding all over again:) It is a great idea! This year, S went with us for the first time. There were a couple of other kids there so she was well entertained! However, I did notice that I was so preoccupied with taking pics of S that I didn't get a single pic of the happy couple. I need to work on this!!

They were actually playing together and not just next to each other!

New friends.


M somehow managed to get himself into a game of Ring Around the Rosie - HA! And to think that before this night, he didn't even know the words:) So precious!


Amanda said...

What a good dad! And I love the new blog design :)

Double Dees in SC said...

M didn't know the words?? Funny! And I also love the new layout - love pink!!