Friday, June 12, 2009


Tonight some of us girls went to dinner and then to a climbing gym to "hang out"...haha. We had such a good time and were able to do something that all of us had done at some point in our lives before, but it had definitely been a while. I use to go repelling a lot in high school and then when I was in college I went to a climbing gym a couple of times. So, let's see, it's been a good 7 years since I've done it and probably just as long since I've used the muscles you use when you climb. I'll be super-sore tomorrow but it will be well worth it!


KLee said...

John wants to know where you went? And I actually taught "climbing wall" at camp one summer. Ha. Couldn't do it now if I tried!

Outnumbered! said...

That is so cool! I've always wanted to try that. I wouldn't let anyone take a picture of my hiney like this, though. It wouldn't be a pretty sight! LOL!!

Shelby said...

i concur with the above comment about letting someone take a picture of my behind in that view!! not a good idea! so girlie, you are much braver than me on 2 points.. first the actual climbing and second, the picture taking!! :) looks like you had fun!