Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Becoming Such a Big Girl

Lately, S has been in situations where she has had to eat in a regular chair (meaning w/o a high chair or booster seat). It has happened about 3 times in the last week or so and she has done surprisingly well! Today when she ate in one, she actually ate more than she normally does during lunch. Maybe she was trying to prove to me that she really is a big girl. My biggest concerns with her eating in a real chair were that she would keep getting down (which she hasn't) and that she would stand up (which she hasn't).

Another thing that has been coming about is going potty in her potty. UGGGG!!!! She did it for the first time while I was at my girls weekend at the end of May and has since done it twice. I don't feel she is quite ready to technically potty train, but she is getting there. I don't want to tackle this one and am putting it off as long as I can!

Next on the growing up list is moving her to a big girl bed. She can get out of her crib, but just hasn't done it yet. She gets that little foot hiked up all the way over the crib railing. If she leans forward, she's over! I am planning to take the front drop-down railing off of her crib as a stepping stone to an actual big girl bed. I want to do it before the dreaded "thud" of my child as she falls out of her crib, but again I have reservations about it. She has never been a child to sleep in our bed. Maybe a handful of times when she was really small, but not very much at all. Now, when we do put her in bed with us, she thinks it is a trampoline. But, you know, there were things I was concerned about with her eating in a real chair and I was worried for nothing so hopefully that will hold true with this as well. I will be very curious as to what she will do! Also, before we start this, we need to do a little work on her room to make it a bit more safe. I have cleaned out some of her drawers where I had been storing things so that is done, but I feel I need to bolt her changing table/dresser to the wall since it is not total secure and would tip over I am sure if she started to climb the drawers. There is SO MUCH to think about!

Growing up is hard to do, especially for this mommy!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Sweet baby girl! Don't grow up too fast - all these changes are hard for us Mommas!!!