Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gotta Love the Water

Today was the first of many(I hope) water-centered playdates! We didn't have a real pool, but we had a kiddie pool and a water table and these kids had a blast!!!!

S ate her first popsicle and mommy didn't even freak out about ruining the outfit b/c we just dunked her back in the pool and she was good to go:) However, I think I will be getting some of my own. Do they have dye-free popsicles - wouldn't that be awesome?!?!?


beth said...

you can make your own with applejuice and it won't stain as bad

Double Dees in SC said...

You know we try not to feed the boys anything with food coloring so with popsicles, we eat the banana pops - no coloring and yellow doesn't really stain, right??

It's a Mom Thing said...

So cute! It has been so hot this week that being in the pool sounds like a great idea!

I was going to suggest making your own, too. You could use applejuice or lemonade. Or you could make pudding pops...yum!

Anonymous said...

I love the banana pop suggestion...I am going to do that myself!!That little Stella is adorable!!

The 4 Pierces said...

I always make my own too! They sell the forms to make them at Michaels for $1 in their dollar section!

Jessica said...

How cute is her big sun hat! What an adorable southern belle.

TCW said...

When is the next pool party?