Sunday, June 21, 2009

Preschool Sunday School Cuties

I have been teaching preschoolers Sunday School for the last year. As the year comes to an end, I thought I would try and take a picture of the sweet, sweet kids in my class. Of course, there are several not in this picture, but here are the ones that were at church today! I can't believe they all sat in their chairs!!:) Next year, I am going to teach only part time so that I can get plugged back into my own adult Sunday School class. I don't know what age group I will be working with yet, but no matter how old they are, they will surely bless my Sundays just as these little ones have!


Double Dees in SC said...

Glad you will be coming back to SS. Dallas is going to do the same and just teach P/T.

TCW said...

They looks so calm and I can't believe OK is being so still. I may need a copy of this picture if you still have it.