Friday, February 22, 2013

Date Night with My Boys

S had another big girl birthday party tonight so it was just me and my boys!  C was sooo upset after we dropped her off that he was crying that he wanted to go to the party too and didn't want to leave.  It was pitiful and I felt awful for him and asked him what kind of special treat he would want after dinner(a dinner, at a restaurant, with just Mommy and Daddy and him which he has never(not even ONE time) had before) that would make him feel better.  He told me chocolate!  Ahh.. that's my boy!  Always makes me feel better too:)  Ha!  We ate dinner at Joe's Crab Shack and then bought him a candy bar on the way home!  He was exhausted and didn't make it two minutes in the car before he was asleep - I even tried to keep him awake by giving him a sucker!  But, never fear, when we got home and said it was time for a candy bar, he perked back up very quickly!  It was a good night, S had fun, and I am glad we got to take just our little guy out for dinner!!


Amy and Michael said...

What a special date night for you! That sounds wonderful!

Chelle said...

We did the same thing! Wasn't it strange being out with just him??