Friday, April 1, 2011

3/4 a Year - NINE months

Only 3 more months until this little guy is ONE - gotta start thinking about a party:)

This month has been somewhat exhausting for us between C's ability to get around more and his inability to sleep!

Here are some highlights from the month:

  • Got one tooth in (total of 8 now).

  • Started getting some table food - turkey, cheese, crackers, beans - but is not really very good at eating without getting choked. Have had to do the swipe with my finger through his mouth a couple of times.

  • Able to sit up by himself from a laying down position which makes him so much happier about things!

  • Became adept at the army crawl and can move where ever he wants to in the house pretty much.

  • Pulled up onto a high-knee stand (does that make sense?).

  • Had his first fever and round of antibiotics AND at the same time had a staph infection. That was a fun week!!

  • His hair is becoming thicker and darker finally. My kids just aren't lucky enough to have a lot of hair to start things off!

  • Changing his diaper is a workout since the kid does not sit still and is constantly trying to sit up - by the way, he's got some killer ab muscles:)

  • As I said earlier, he is still not a great sleeper at night and has us up all too often, but he is a sweet boy with a great disposition during the day. I guess there are trade-offs!

  • He is eating 3 meals with us of baby food. Takes 4 bottles throughout the day. Takes 2 naps - one in the a.m. which is a fairly short one due to having to get it in when he can and one in the p.m. around 1/2pm that is about 1.5-2.5 hours.

C-man is growing like a weed and we are guessing he is about 21lb, but will know more at his 9 month appt at the end of the month (I'm a little behind at getting him to his well child appointments.)

Stat update as of 9/25/2011:

Weight - 20lb7oz(38%tile) He has dropped a lot percentile-wise but we are attributing some of this to the fact that he has had a staph infection, GI virus and 2 other virus all within the last month!!
Height - 29.5in(77%tile)
Head - 18.5in(86%tile)


Jessica said...

Great pictures! Love those baby blues.

TCW said...

Happy belated 3/4 year birthday, sweet Colton. He is so cute.