Sunday, April 24, 2011


Today we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord!!!

The Easter Bunny did make a stop by our house last night but word on the street is that he almost forgot us - oops!! He left an Easter basket with art supplies for S and a more manly looking camo bucket for C-man with books and stuff to stick in his mouth! They were both thrilled with the bunny's choices for them:)

After a wonderful church service (S sat through some of the music with us which we've done a handful of other times as well and she did a great job! I was very proud of her!) we went over to M's cousin's house for lunch and yet another egg hunt! The food was amazing and it was great to see everyone. It had been since early January at the reunion that we had all been together. I'm so glad that Lara and Elliott were willing to open up their home so that we could have a family Easter!

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