Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Morning of Fun

This morning one of S's very good friends came over while her parents were at work. We had a fun-filled morning of breakfast together, made a resurrection magnet puzzle craft (while I attempted to teach the girls that Easter was not really about egg hunts - they looked at me like I had 3 heads HA!!), dyed Easter eggs, painted with water colors, rode bikes/trikes/cars, colored with chalk, played hopscotch, got really dirty and ended everything with a picnic under a shade tree! WHEW!! I think we were all exhausted after so much fun! I put S in her room for her quiet time and when I went to check on her(as there was an unusual quietness in the house!) she was passed out on her bed sawing logs and my child just does NOT do that. We were so glad to spend our morning with such a sweet friend and welcome her back anytime!!

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