Thursday, April 14, 2011

Egg Hunt Take ONE

Today we headed to the senior center in Mauldin for a magic show, Dora and Elmo, an Easter egg hunt and pizza. All of this fun for FREE!!:) We had already had this planned before Gigi decided to come to town but it was oh so much easier to have an extra pair of hands! S was a little slow to get warmed up to the magician, but once she did she could not stop talking about him all afternoon! All of the eggs were stuffed with candy, stickers, little toys or stamps which made them even more exciting once S realized that!:) You would have thought S would have LOVED Dora and Elmo, but the only reason she decided to approach them was b/c Brother was all about them - especially Dora! It was so cute to watch him as he laughed and laughed at Dora playing with his toes. Everyone had a good time and were completely exhausted when we got home which meant awesome naps for us all! A GOOD DAY!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

How did I miss the creepy bunny?!