Monday, August 17, 2020

First Day of School

Today the kids started their first day at a new school!  They are both MIDDLE SCHOOLERS!  What!?!?  It's kinda nice that I didn't have to think or worry about what middle school would be like for C, it just happened!  I think it's better for him that way too because he has watched too many Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies and was concerned about swirlies in middle school.  LOL!  

They are both able to pick an elective.  Because we registered so late, they only a couple that were still open to choose from.  S is taking a fitness class and C is taking a computer science class.  PE is not considered an elective and they will both have it twice a week.  Also, they get recess every day instead of the one day a week that S got last year at her middle school.  S also gets to take a language class that consists of Latin for a semester, sign language for a quarter and Spanish for a quarter - so neat to be at least exposed to foreign languages!  Twice a week 5th graders get a math enrichment class to give them extra time to learn new content and expand on what they learn in their regular classes.  And, they get Bible classes daily with Chapel once a week!

7th and 5th grade here they come!

Keeping with tradition, here are their favorites:

TV Show - Hannah Montana
Friend - Halle and Anna G.
Candy - Kit Kat
Color - Blue
Book - Tangled in Time
Things to do - dance and read(I'm going to add crafting!)
What she wants to do when she grows up - foster animals

TV Show - Big City Greens
Friend - Gavin
Candy - Hershey's
Color - Blue
Book - Big Nate
Things to do - play and watch TV
What he wants to do when he grows up - work for Daddy


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