Friday, January 29, 2010

Lunch Date

S and I are typically together for lunch, but many times just eat at the house or somewhere fast like the Chick. Today, however, we had a special lunch date at my favorite lunch spot, Brick Street Cafe!! Although S enjoyed the crackers more than the love muffin (which didn't bother me at all, because that meant more for me!!) she had a good time being a big girl. This week she has started sitting in a "big girl chair" all by herself when we go out to eat. Usually, we always have a highchair for her unless we are sitting in a booth. But, she started asking to sit like a big girl and we are working on her being more self-sufficient so I thought we'd give it a try (with threats that she could NOT get down). She's done very, very well and I am so proud of my sweet little, big girl. It is fun to be able to go places and have a mini-me with me!


Jessica said...

Mommy & Me lunch date! Y'all are too cute.

Amanda said...

What a fun treat! But that's risky business letting her try a love muffin :)