Saturday, January 4, 2014

Langston Family Reunion

Today was the annual Langston Family Reunion and it was a blast!!

The weather was freezing, but it didn't stop the kids from wanting to play outside on the swing set, swing in the hammock, go for a boat ride, play with the dogs, and visit the cows and pigs(they even got to see a new litter of puppies and a calf that is currently being bottle-fed!). So very cute!!

I have to mention, that I had told C that he could not go for a boat ride, but M decided that he wanted to take him for a ride.  And, guess what happens, C goes into the lake (it is in the low 30s on this particular day so you know that lake was ridiculously cold!!).  Brrr!!!

I think the best part is, though, that they are building relationships and really getting to know their family!  Another one of the families there has kids that are similar to S and C's ages and they really hit it off!  C played with 6 year old Austin and also with Cousin Conner while S played with 4 year old Kailyn.  Austin and Kailyn's great-grandmother is the sister of Meme.  Don't know exactly what that makes them, but they are cousins of some sort:)  They all loved every minute of the reunion and were sad to have to say goodbye.  They want to go back this summer - we'll see!

Kailyn and S

Austin and C

Notice the change of clothes after his "swim" in the lake!

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