Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Operation: Get My Body Back

So, C is now one month old and I decided that this week, starting yesterday, I am going to get my body back!! I went to the gym(pure BLISS!!) for the first time yesterday afternoon and was able to get on a scale (haven't done this since C was born). During the pregnancy, I gained 37lbs(Gasp!). I've lost 25 and have 12 to go. Although, I am shooting to lose 15. So, 15 pounds be gone and I am going to set a goal of having this done by Thanksgiving.

Time to lay off the desserts - which I have been having at least once a day and sometimes twice - and get back into action! I am very excited about this and can't wait to get my body back:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You Go Girl!!!It won't take much & you will be there.