Thursday, June 6, 2019

Swim Meet #2

We had our second swim meet tonight at Devenger - which is a really good team!  I told myself I would do better about taking pictures, and I did do better, but when I'm timing first half and then starving so I am eating during the first part of the second half, by the time I get to sit back and take pictures it is dark!  Ugh!  Maybe next meet I'll get M to take some pictures!!

Both kids swam events that they did not swim last week and were both in both relays(C in both of the A relays(swam freestyle in the medley relay) and S in the A Medley relay(she swam breaststroke in the medley) and the B freestyle relay).

Their times:

C - 
long free: 51.89
butterfly: 29.44
He also swam breaststroke but did not improve his time from last week.

S - 
long free(now FOUR laps): 1:39.47
butterfly: 57.28
She also swam short free but did not improve her time from last week.

Can't wait for the next one!

warm ups

C in the medley relay

S in a relay that was just for this meet - the theme was new
swimmers to the team and they selected on from each age group!


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