Friday, July 31, 2015

YMCA Camps

This past week the kids have been in camp!  This is the only week I have them signed up, and it was a great break for all of us to be away from each other for 3 hours each day:)

S did an art camp with her friend Mattie and loved it!  They worked with pastels, made pottery, did printing, painted self portraits, learned about warm and cool colors using a broom to paint, used water colors to paint a city skyline and then ended the week with an art show for the parents!  She was so proud of all her work and was excited to show it off to me!

While S was doing an art camp, C was just down the road about half a mile at a construction camp with Mattie's brothers, Manning and Barnett!  Each day he was eager to see what they were going to construct!  They made and painted bug houses(and then spent lots of time catching bugs.. haha!), formed a brick, dipped candles, tie-dyed shirts, made(and ate!) ice cream, nailed together small pieces of wood to make cars, built bird houses and painted flower pots!  He was dirty, sweaty and happy every day when I went to pick him up!

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