Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Breezing Through Summer

It's really amazing to me how quickly(and slowly on some days!!) time slips by!  The summer is half over, and I'm not sure I'm totally ready for that yet(except on those aforementioned "some days"...HAHA!)!

We've kept it pretty low key the past week or so and haven't done anything news-worthy!  But, we have taken advantage of the sunny days and the lack of a schedule!

Remember that pile of sand from an earlier post!!?!?  Yeah,
so this is what it looks like now... I have no words!!

The kids trying to explain MineCraft to M!

A unique use of the grilling gloves we gave M for Fathers Day!

We ordered this furniture for the patio and it ended up being midget sized,
but we didn't realize that until after we'd broken down the boxes and put them
in the dumpster!  HAHAHA!!  So getting them back out and
loading them up was quite the event!  We were in hysterics!!

End of swim season gifts for the kids - they can hang their
ribbons on them!  Cute!!

Pool-side lunch picnic:)

We watched the Evette kids one night and the boys were put
in charge of making the cookies...

And the girls were happy to help eat them:)

C and Caris... twinsies!

We visited our old street and the kids played with Mallory
and Miley!  Mallory and S are still such good friends and
miss each other!

I truly despise water guns!!  This kid just can NOT keep from
spraying anyone and everyone!

1 - 2 - 3 - JUMP!

Morning Legos

Gigi visited bringing Munchkin goodies with her!!  This box
was completely gone before they even made it through the door!

We've had this ball sprinkler for years but I've never remembered
to get it out of the box!  It was quite the feat getting it blown up!

S doing a cartwheel - blue shorts towards the back!

C hanging from the bars!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Love that the matching girl/doll shirts are still getting some good use!!