Saturday, August 1, 2015

Well, Hello There, August!!

So, wow!!

It's already August!!!!!!

Here's a look at what we've done as we've finished up July:

M taught C to shoot a bb gun... help us all!!

C LOVE it!

C had his 5 year old well child appointment!
weight - 44.4lb(75%tile) up 7lbs this year!
height - 44.5in(81%tile) up 3.5in this year
The doctor also checked his vision and hearing.  Both checked
out great, but his hearing is actually off the charts good and the doctor
said he very rarely sees anyone register where C did - no wonder
he is such a light sleeper and I can't even go in and check on
him at night without him waking up!

Started to get my stuff together for Switcharoos... ugh!

This meal was amazing!!  Turkey spaghetti made with
zoodles!  Even better than real spaghetti made with beef!

While the kids were at camp I found some new places to run!
It was HOT!!

Behavior has been a bit off - ok, WAY off - this week!
Their punishment was to clean baseboards and the stairs:)

They helped me snap the ends off the greenbeans that C
had planted in the mulch months ago!  His beans produced
much better than the ones I had in the garden!:)

A full rainbow in our neighborhood!  It was so large that
I couldn't even get the whole thing in one picture!

Patio furniture - take 2!  It looks much better than the midget
stuff we got the first time!

Much needed haircuts!

Dinner at the pool:)

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