Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Fist Day of Dance and Gymnastics

I got lucky this year and somehow managed to get S in dance class and C in gymnastics at the exact same time and at the exact same location!!  Woohoo!!!

The only downside is that I have to be first in car line to get them to the gym/studio on time!  And then by the time we got home it was 5:30pm and I had two very tired kiddos to cook dinner for and get through a bunch of homework with!  I'm gonna definitely be doing a crockpot dinner on Tuesday nights and somehow spread the homework out over other days so there is not quite so much on these nights!

They both did have a great time in their classes, though, and I enjoyed going between the two viewing areas for little peeks!

C in his Clemson shirt!

His teacher was holding the other kids around the waist for
this stunt, but C was adamant that he could do it by himself -
and he did!

Two of the classes were combined today and S ended up getting
lucky enough to have the studio owner as her teacher for class.  I'm
really hoping they make this permanent!:)

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