Saturday, August 22, 2015

Surviving the First Week!

Other than being sick(everyone except S got it!), we've been laying low this week as we get adjusted to the routine of school!

Once this kid started feeling better, he was a bottomless pit!

They've been somewhat lazy:)

He got tired of watching TV and went out to play with his tools...
so sweet!

Once I started feeling better, I took a couple of walks around
the neighborhood!

Pick up!

It's crazy how long they will sit and play with Play Doh!

Once everyone was well and recovered, I helped out in
S's class for a couple hours!

Our kind neighbor brought us the most amazing homemade
chocolate chip cookies!

Saturday S got to go shopping with me for a good part of the day:)
We walked into Pier 1 and she said in awe "I've just discovered
a whole other world!"  Ummm... I think we have a shopper
on our hands!

Little shopper loves her some ice cream!

Playing army men with the boy!

Excited for pick up!
 M and I got a date night while the Evettes watched the kids - and even were brave
and took them to the lake!  I love having an evening away knowing my
babies are cared for and having fun:)

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