Friday, August 10, 2012

32nd Birthday

M is not officially 32 until Sunday, but the kids and I surprised him a couple days early with cake and presents!  They were both so so so excited when Daddy got home and they could show him everything!:)  It was sweet!  I had planned to make this cake for C's birthday, but we ended up with so much leftover cake from his party, that I didn't think we needed anymore in the house!  So, I saved it all knowing I was going to use it for M's instead.  It turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself - M even wanted to make sure he got a picture of it with his new iPhone so I think he must have thought it was pretty cool too:)  After we got the cake ready this afternoon, I took the kids to Big Lots(boots and all!) and let them pick out the presents themselves.  M ended up with scissors, chip clips, M&Ms and a watch!  Good job kiddos!  Happy(early) birthday, M!!!

PS - The picture of C just makes me laugh!  He is always trying to get down from the table with food and walk around and graze as he eats and it drives me nuts!  This is him with his milk, water, bulldozer and the rest of his cheeseburger trying to make his great escape and getting caught red-handed! 


Chelle said...

Great job! Love the cake. :)

GiGi said...

That is a great cake!!