Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Together Tuesday

This morning C had a make-up speech session, so we were not able to do our Together Tuesday as I had planned it. But, the kids did enjoy some snuggle time while watching Doc McStuffins before naptime/quiettime:) So sweet!

Today was also S's first day of dance at the new studio! She loved it! Ballet and tap are now two separate classes, but she takes them back to back. The total time is 1.5 hours(which seems like a long time for a four-year-old). That is way too long to try to keep C occupied while we wait, so we headed to the park to play while she had her dance class! She came out so excited and taught C all she had learned after dinner tonight:)

After dance we went to Chick-fil-A for dinner and were able to do a build and take project from Home Depot! It was fun, but exhausting, trying to manage two kids with hammers and nails - yikes! But, they were both able to finish their tool boxes and were very proud of them! AND, C warmed up to the cow this time!! NO TEARS!:) Hurray! When the cow first came out, he looked at me with terror in his eyes and wanted to be picked up! After a while I took him over and introduced him to the cow and he finally laughed some and felt how soft the cow's hands were. And, as we were leaving, he was willing to go take a quick picture! I'd say this is major progress after our experience a couple of months ago!

We did spend a lot of time together today and I tried to keep the focus on fun stuff as much as I could for the kids!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures...busy day..