Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hilton Head 2012 Day 5

Great weather greeted us yet again this morning! We could hardly believe it!!

We had a HUGE storm last night, though, that knocked out the power for a couple of hours and caused the kids to be up a few times throughout the night. Not a good thing for already tired kiddos!
M had been wanting to go to Pinkney Island Wildlife Refuge again this year like we did last year and we thought this morning would be a good choice. Well, the kids were not so much into it. I don't think we even made it as far this year as we did last year before giving up and heading back to the car. Maybe 2013 is our lucky year!?!?:)

Before heading back to the condo we drove through an area of the island that I don't remember ever having been through before - Spanish Wells. It was a beautiful drive with ginormous houses. So peaceful!!

We finished up our morning at the pool where S was doing lots and lots of very good diving and swimming! She improved by leaps and bounds in just a few short days at the pool! C was jumping over and over again without us holding his hands and also was learning to propel himself in his Puddle Jumper so that he could get where he wanted to go! I was so proud of both kids!

After naps the kids were kinda cranky(see picture of them on the couch!) but since we would definitely be leaving in the morning(our rental will be over), we wanted to make sure we got one more chance on the beach and I am so so glad that we did! The kids enjoyed it as much today as they did the first day we were here! They jumped the waves, made a big hole with a river to the ocean. I think the trick for them is to do the pool in the morning and the beach in the afternoon. Glad we figured this out on the last day HA! We loved our last afternoon at the beach!!
We did an easy dinner at Wild Wing Cafe and then came home and we all crashed! I don't think the kids talked for even five minutes tonight!!
Thank you Hilton Head for another year of wonderful memories! We will be back again next year!!!

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