Sunday, May 15, 2011

Princess Who??

Yesterday we went to a princess party(no boys allowed!) for a sweet friend! As we were arriving, Cinderella showed up and we followed her in! VERY EXCITING! But, here's the catch, S knew she was a princess, but she had no idea which one! What 3 year old girl doesn't know who Cinderella is??? Eye! Also, the girls were to come dressed as sparkly princesses. We don't really own any princess dresses, so S dressed in her sparliest ballerina tutu... it worked:) The girls were able to have makeup put on by Cinderella herself(S's first time to have makeup on and she was so so excited!), then crafts, games, stories, dancing, cake and lots of dress up time. It was so fun to watch S get exciting to put on all the different dresses and twirl around like a ballerina(maybe a bit too much as she wanted everyone to sit and watch her do her dances!). As we were leaving, Cinderella was catching her ride as well. S asked where she was going and I told her she was going to her castle. "Where's that?" S asked to which I replied "At Disney World." A short pause and then, "I wanna go see it." YAY! OKAY! ME TOO!!! I think I need to start planning my Disney trip now:) The joys of having a little princess (or maybe ballerina in our case)!!:)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

So cute! I'm starting to plan our first Disney trip too! I hear October is a good time to go, so perhaps it'll be a birthday trip. How fun would it be if we were there at the same time?!