Wednesday, June 1, 2011

11 Months

Little Man is 11 months old today!!

The kid loves climbing - he has climbed up onto his toy train, stood up and was trying to punch the buttons on the TV as well as climbed the stairs the first time he tried at my in-laws house (we don't have stairs thank goodness!!!).

Crawling anywhere and everywhere! He goes in the grass, dirt, on concrete, hardwoods or carpet. It doesn't matter to him as long as he is down and able to get around. It is hard to go somewhere and expect to hold him because he wants to be exploring!

Eats like a horse and likes to have whatever we are having. He has scored himself banana pudding and chocolate this way! He eats all meals with us which includes baby food and much more real food now. Hopefully in the next month we will be done with baby food and he can just eat whatever we are eating! He is taking a bottle early AM hours, mid-afternoon and evening. He is also having a morning snack before his nap(sometimes a bottle and sometimes finger food).
He laughs when everyone else is laughing as if he really gets it and finds it humorous:)

We pretty much are over the paci. He never uses it to sleep and the only time he uses it otherwise is when we are out and about and I want to plug him. But, really, he just plays with it more than sucks on it. Oh, I also use it in the early morning hours while I am changing his diaper before his bottle so that he doesn't wake up his sister.

Speaking of sleep... whew!! This kid has given us a run for our money! He finally was starting to sleep through the night (meaning 7:30pm - 6/6:15am) for several nights in a row but has now been sick with a cold and reverted back to his old ways. I am praying, praying, praying that once this cold passes we can go back to sleeping once again. It has been almost a year now and we are due some good, consistent sleep around here! Sheesh!

He is still taking two naps a day, both being around 1.5 hours.

He is wearing some 12 month clothes and some 18 month clothes. The 12 month one pieces are too small now and the shirts are kinda starting to show some belly! The 12 month pants are still okay.

A favorite activity is pushing stuff around the house. Sometimes this means pushing his sister while she is riding on his little truck or it means a piece of paper he can slide across the floor. He just likes to make things go! Oh, and if they make a lot of noise it's even better:)

He started waving bye-bye, saying bye-bye and da-da. And as of now those are his only 2 words. He will imitate sounds, but we don't exactly have words coming out I don't think. It is cute, when he gets excited and wants something (read, FOOD), he'll start kicking his legs and bouncing up and down in anticipation!

His 9th tooth came in, a molar! Uggg!!!

He has started arching his back and crying when you put him down and he isn't quite ready to be yet! Early temper tantrums at 11 months!?!?

He has stood alone but has only kept his balance for a few seconds before he looses his balance and shrinks back down to his knees. Nowhere close to walking yet! Not even really cruising yet!


Jessica said...

Sweet little man, can't believe he is almost ONE!

Double Dees in SC said...

All boy for sure....and a happy one at that!