Thursday, June 9, 2011


I've recently pulled some of S's old toys down from the attic for C-man such as the laugh and learn chair, the ball popper and the little table. He has fun with them, but really, S is more into them than he is!!! It's funny how the big kids kinda regress when there is a baby around. It is nice though to have her show him how to use the toys and then play "with" him on the floor with them.

Another recent favorite is FOOD for C!! The boy can seriously put away some food! His absolute favorites at this point are hot dogs and mac & cheese. He has such a healthy pallet:) He has also eaten, and liked, zucchini casserole, black eyed beans, baked beans and broccoli so he doesn't eat all bad food. Honestly, I think he just likes food in general!


Anonymous said...

Now that is what I call a "filthy mouth!"

Amanda said...

Zucchini casserole sounds yummy! Can I have the recipe some day?

Double Dees in SC said...

Are we really surprised at C's appetite? I mean, he IS Michael's son.... :)