Thursday, February 4, 2010

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had our ultrasound this morning! Before going, I stopped and got this pineapple/mango/orange juice drink to get some sugar in me to make the baby move around so that we would be able see what it was. I did this since when we went for our ultrasound when I was pregnant with S, she was stubborn and decided it was nap time (the only time she ever stopped moving when she was in me and since she has been born is when we had ultrasounds - silly girl!!!) Well, apparently I didn't need to do that with this one because the ultrasound tech had a hard time seeing and measuring things because this baby would NOT be still. Oops:)

But, eventually, she got it all done and told us everything looked great and that all the major organs were there - THANK YOU GOD FOR THAT!! I had a fear going into the ultrasound, as I am sure most moms do, that something would not be quite right.

And, obviously, we know now that we are having a BOY and he was definitely not shy about letting us know! We are SO SO SO excited and I can't wait (and I know Michael can't either) to bring some blue into the house:)

The only thing that is off is that the baby is still measuring a week ahead - apparently I have a big baby growing inside of me! He was also measuring ahead at my last ultrasound six weeks ago and I just assumed that the tech had not measured exactly right. Maybe I was wrong!! This is a far cry from my little peanut of a girl last time around:)


W and Js mommy said...

Lets get some BLUE and John Deere GREEN in that house!! :) SO happy for you!

Jessica said...

A big healthy boy - what a blessing!!!

Outnumbered! said...

Congrats! S will have a little brother to mother! Ha ha!

GiGi said...

Yeah....a Grandson!!!!! What more could a Grandmother ask for?(maybe to live closer!!)