Tuesday, February 1, 2011

7 Months

Today my little man is 7 months old and what a fun 7-month-birthday gift to have Gigi visit!:)

This past month has been a busy month for C:

  • Started sleeping without a swaddle and on his belly - whew was that interesting for a while!
  • He is able to roll deliberately where he wants to go and is determined retrieve what he wants.
  • Has learned to sit by himself.
  • Had surgery to remove a urethral cyst. All is healed now and we are so glad it is behind us!
  • He has gotten 4 teeth this month for a total of 6 (3 on the top and 3 on the bottom).
  • He is sitting in high chairs by himself when we go out to eat.
  • He has been given a sippy cup, but doesn't really know what to do with it yet other than chew on it:)
  • He LOVES trucks! We have not really pushed any toy in particular on him, but it is obviously in his genes. He can't get enough of them and will drop whatever else he may be playing with if he spots a truck nearby!
  • He eats 3 meals a day with us consisting of rice cereal and babyfood. He nurses 4 times throughout the day and sometimes takes a bottle at night before going to bed. Think the kid eats!?!?
  • Naps are still unpredictable in length. He typically gets up at 5am to eat and goes back to sleep until about 7/7:30. He has a nap about 10am, the next around 2pm and another around 5:30pm. Usually these are 30-45 naps, but he has been known to go as long as 2 hours very occasionally. I will be glad when the afternoon nap is a little longer so that it coincides with S's nap/quiet time!
  • C weighs 19lb11oz by the end of his sixth month.

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