Sunday, October 27, 2019

Youth Retreat at Look Up Lodge

S had her first youth retreat with church this weekend!  She had no idea what to expect but said it was SO.MUCH.FUN!!!  They stayed in cabins with college-aged chaperones(S's was one of our babysitters!), did a hug swing, zip-lined, played paintball, worshiped, stayed up late, ate a bunch of junk and much much more!  What a great experience for her and her friends and I'm sure they all grew in their friendships with each other and with the Lord!  She's already saying how much she is looking forward to next year's retreat!!

Anna and S ready to leave

6th grade girls - they are a small group but amazing!  Jenna, Anna, Aubrey and S

S and Anna - I'm so glad they have each other!

The girls!

Callie, their fearless leader!

I think this is middle school girls!

S is front and center right behind the black shorts of the guy laying down!

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