Friday, August 14, 2009

Pigtails and Motorcycles

S FINALLY has enough hair to do pigtails!! And, if you really pull it back tight, her bangs almost reach so that she can wear a ponytail:) I never thought I would see this day...HA!

Gigi brought these golf clubs for S this week - they were a hit!

Also she has become fascinated with motorcycles. I'm not exactly sure how this came about, but when we are driving and she sees one she keeps saying "touch you" and "hold you" to the motorcycles. So cute! It is even funnier when we haven't seen one in a while, she'll start calling out "motorcycle, where are you?" It cracks me up! So, this afternoon after her nap, I took her to the motorcycle store and let her touch and sit on the motorcycles that were there(I'm sure the employees there thought we were weird!). She was in awe! I tried to get her to put a helmet on, but she wasn't in the mood. It was fun though to watch as she climbed up on the kiddie crotch rocket and grabbed the handles. She looked like a natural!


w and js mommy said...

Love the pigtails! Love them! HA about the should take her to see Billy's

Double Dees in SC said...

Crotch rocket!!! Hysterical!!

Jessica said...

Dead frogs and motorcycles!!! What's up with our darling girls?!?!

The 4 Pierces said...

I love her hair! She is so cute!

Amanda said...

You are such a good mommy to take her to a motorcycle shop! Do they sell leather at consignment shops?