Thursday, December 29, 2011


The kids and I have spent the past few days visiting my parents! So glad we were able to go! S and C loved spending lots of quality time with Grandpa and Gigi. Although C-man didn't sleep great(yet again!), we still enjoyed ourselves:)

I was able to meet a high school friend for lunch while the kids played in the play area, we went to the library, park and of course took a walk on the walking trail in my parent's neighborhood. Gigi and I took S ice skating for the first time which she has been asking to do every day for the last month. She LOVED it and got to be actually pretty decent by the time we left. We were all sore and worn out after about 1.5 hours of it! We also celebrated Gigi's birthday with cupcakes for lunch and hot dogs and s'mores for dinner. What more could you ask for?!?! S was able to experience her first milkshake from Steak and Shake(the best places ever for milkshakes!) and was an instant fan!

Everyone had fun and we were all 100% exhausted by the end of our visit!!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Looks like the ice skating was wonderful fun. I LOVE her shot in front of the piano! Definitely a keeper!