Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Elf Antics

Here is what Boy has been up to since he's been with us:
- Snuck into the laundry and hung S's panties on the tree.
- Insisted on being a shepherd in the nativity.
- Took dog camping.
- Stole the Dec 10 advent activity.
- Made a mess of the toilet paper and turned the toilet water green.
- Took a marshmallow bath.
- Wanted to be the one to choose the movie for the day.
- Exhausted, he took a nap on the tissue box.

We'll see what the next few days hold for Boy!:)


Jessica said...

So creative!

Amanda said...

Such fun ideas! Our elf definitely needs to get more creative.

Double Dees in SC said...

Hysterical! I love the panties on the tree!