Monday, December 5, 2011

That's All Folks

So, I am officially done with all the decorating I plan to do!! It's not much, but so be it! We did the tree, I put an arrangement on the dining room table and another on the buffet. Do you see how we had to move all of the ornaments to the top half of the tree out of the reach of C?!?! He dropped one and watched it shatter, I cleaned it up really good and then I turn around to see him throwing one deliberately on the floor. Apparently he enjoyed watching it shatter - boys!!!!Then, S an I went out and put some lights up in the bushes in our front yard. And... done!

Here are a couple of pictures including one of C with a spaghetti/lollipop face and S when I told her to go get dressed to go out to put the lights up outside. Oh, they do make me laugh!!!

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