Friday, December 16, 2011

First Haircut

I have been needing to C's haircut for a while, but it has been a bit hard for me to do since it is one more thing that reminds me he is not a little baby anymore! But, before Christmas arrived, I bit the bullet and just did it! After a good workout, we went to Great Clips and discovered that it was a 45 minute wait. Yikes!!! That sounded like torture! I put his name on the list and took the kids over to the grocery store to get a few things, and a cookie for each of them, and took my time getting back to Great Clips. We still had to wait about 15-20 minutes, but the other people waiting were sweet, older men and they entertained the kids a little:)

When it is our turn the lady asks me if I was going to sit with him or if he was going to sit by himself. HAHAHA!!!! I will definitely be sitting with him as I can only imagine what he would do if I stuck him up there by himself! I was worried that this was going to be disastrous and he would scream the entire time. S was starting to get restless by this point so I gave her my camera and let her have at it for the first time! See her debut photography below(PS - remember I had been to the gym and am looking rough!). If it were not for her, I would not have pics of C-man's first haircut!! She LOVED taking pictures and C did great sitting pretty still for his haircut! All in all, a good, yet exhausting morning:)


Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard...I think another talent has been discovered.

Jessica said...

And you are such a good Mommy to post her debut photos!