Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

What a FUN Christmas morning and day!!

The boy woke up around 7am and we ended up waking S up at 7:30am because we couldn't contain him in our room any more!

To say there was excitement is an understatement! I know it isn't about the presents and we've discussed that a lot with S this year, but it sure does make it so much fun for the kids! The presents were ripped through faster than I thought they would be and it was such a happy time for all of us! It was interesting, though, that after S opened each of her gifts she would put them in a pile on the couch so that they wouldn't get mixed in with her brother's. SO something her mommy would have done - and did do when I was younger!

S was in charge of handing out gifts! She did pretty well reading the names! She most definitely knew her own and didn't have all that much trouble figuring out the rest of ours either. Such a smart cookie!!

We went over to M's parent's house for lunch with his mom's side of the family!! We ate a very yummy lunch, opened presents and spent time with family:) M and S stayed all day while I brought C home for a nap and then rejoined everyone again for dinner!


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