Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What We've Been Up To

Well, last week I spent a lot of time cleaning my house. My computer was sent back to Toshiba because the mouse stopped working (very hard to do anything w/o a mouse) and I was also preparing for a shower for my wonderful, sweet friend who happens to be due with a little girl on S's birthday. My mom came to help me get things ready and was MUCH appreciated! It is so hard to get anything done when S is crawling everywhere.

And, to add to the chaos, she had a snotty nose all last week and was up many times during the nights which I was attributing to teething but apparently I was wrong b/c on Friday night she developed a fever which she had through Monday. I took her to the dr and she has her first ear infection. They put her on antibiotics and she is feeling much better now. Oh, and she has this really nasty looking rash all over her body but mostly on her back and bottom that the dr said was a viral rash from being sick. Ever heard of such a thing???

And, to top it all off, M came home sick yesterday and has a 102+ temp today. He is going to the dr this afternoon so hopefully he is going to be feeling better soon as well. It is not fun having a sick baby and a sick husband!

Also, last week was S's great-grandmother, Meme's, 91st birthday! And she doesn't act a day over 22! S loves her Meme and was glad to get a chance to visit with her on this special day:)


It's a Mom Thing said...

Your Meme looks great! Happy Bday!

B came home from MN with some sinus stuff. He had to get a shot and a z-pack. Poor husbands, it is no fun when they are sick.

TCW said...

I hope M is feeling better. Thanks for coming and celebrating my b-day. S is one of my favorite little girls.