Wednesday, July 9, 2008

9 Months Old

I can't believe it has already been 9 months! Next thing I know, she'll be one!! Where does the time go???

Here are her stats:
Weight - 17lb15oz(34%tile)
Height - 28.75in(87%tile)
She's tall and lean:)

As of last week, she is crawling! She is into EVERYTHING and doesn't stop moving all day! Our house has a very open floor plan which makes it difficult to keep her contained. I did get a "corral" that I have in the living room, but I only close it up when I have to. It is so fun to watch her explore and learn about her surroundings. Everything intrigues her! She's pulled up to her knees, but hasn't made it to her feet yet.

She is learning what buttons and knobs get her toys to make noise. Needless to say, the house is not typically quiet!

She is "talking". Right her, her vocabulary includs mama, dada, ba(bye) and ga(good). I think I've heard da(dog) too, but I won't promise anything!

As far as eating goes, I had blogged before that she was not eating baby food anymore. Well, that lasted about a week and I guess she realized she wasn't coordinated enough yet to do without, so she's eating it again. Yay!!! She's also eating Cheerios, Puffs, crackers by herself. She has not mastered mushier foods such as fruit, but she will eat it if I put it in her mouth. I think it might be a texture thing because she kinda freaks out when it gets stuck on her hands:)

1 comment:

TCW said...

I can't believe she is 9 months old already. It won't be long and she will take off walking.