Saturday, October 6, 2018

S's Family Birthday Party

This afternoon we celebrated S turning eleven with family!  S was so excited all morning, even dressing her American Girl dolls for the party in matching outfits!  I love that she still has the "kid" in her and enjoys doing stuff like that!  

Gigi and Grandpa arrived first, while M and C were still at the grocery picking up the subs, so we took the opportunity to take a few pictures.  I'm so glad that we did, because C started feeling puny while him and M were at the grocery and ended up spending the afternoon in his room with a fever which put a little damper on the rest of the party and took my mind off getting pictures!

We enjoyed lunch, present opening and then cake to celebrate our little princess!

I accidentally cut the cake before singing Happy Birthday(I was
slightly distracted by having a sick kid upstairs!) but it worked out
since the yucks were going around that S didn't blow on the
whole cake;)

Her request - Red Velvet Cake!

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