Saturday, January 29, 2011


Oh how I LOVE.THIS.WEATHER!!!! It was beautiful today:) This afternoon we took the kids downtown to look for Toads on Trade and do some letterboxing. Both pretty much failed as we only found 5 of the 10 toads and neither of the letterboxes. Oh well, we had fun nonetheless strolling through downtown, going to the playground (C-man got his first taste of a slide and wasn't so sure he liked it all that much) and ate at a new, well new to us, pizza place. It was great to be able to get out and about. I am so ready for spring now!!!!


Amanda said...

Ohhh I haven't heard about Toads on Trade. Like Mice on Main, I guess? Fun!

KLee said...

We need to go back and do the Toads...and the Lizards!
As for the LB, to find the toad one we had to go back a second time. It was hard a hard one.