Friday, January 28, 2011

A Big 'Ol Snake and a Little Bit O Cake

This morning we were busy, busy, busy - but in a good way! I dropped C off at his Grandmamma's house and took S first to Roper Mountain and then to a birthday party at the Bounce House. Roper Mountain is doing a rainforest series inside since it is too cold to go out to the farm. This was my first time going and it was so different than the farm is. Still very good, but the kids are expected to sit and listen and all around behave a little more civilized than they have to on the farm. Glad I only had one kid there so that I could supervise her without the distraction of C-man. She did really well and Iwas very proud of the way she behaved and listened!! The topic today included learning about millipedes, cockroaches and pythons and the kids were allowed to "pet" all of them! UGGG!!!!! I hate bugs and am terrified of snakes! S was not scared, though, and had no problem touching these insects and snake! Next week are animals from Down Under - much more my style!
After a good hand wash, we headed to the birthday party! It was a lot of fun, as always, and I enjoyed catching up with some people I had not seen recently while S played and played!

A great, tiring morning and I was so glad that the kids allowed me to nap for the SECOND day in a row (I know I just jinxed myself, but it was worthy of posting because it has been a long, long time since I've gotten that chance!).


Jessica said...

SO GLAD I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS!!! We would have been outta there before Tessa could even hug Stella, much less PET A SNAKE!!!

KLee said...

I totally need to check out this Roper Mtn thing. Sounds like so much fun!