Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Family Reunion

Saturday we made our annual trip down to the low state for the Langston family reunion. I admit, I wasn't thrilled about the 2.5 drive down, a 3 hour visit, and a 2.5 hour drive back. But, it was actually not too bad. S travelled great and C didn't do too bad either. It was nice to have so much family there willing to hold and love on my baby boy! M and a few of the men took S out to see the pigs and cows. I was a bit surprised when they brought her back covered in pig poop!! Apparently she jumped in a pile of what she called "mud"! That is the stinkiest mud I have ever smelled! I changed her clothes, but that did not get rid of the swine stench that covered her from head to toe (I don't know if you've ever smelled a pig farm before, but be assured that it is awful!!!)! The only pictures I managed to get were of the kids with Meme's sister. She is the oldest family member at age 95(?) and C man was the youngest at 6 months! Sweet memories to have this picture:)

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