Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year and Happy 6 Month

We had such a fun New Years Eve this year! We actually went out (even if we didn't stay until midnight) while my dad kept the kids. Ahhh!!! I felt half human and social again:)

Also, New Years Day is C's half birthday! Although I had planned to make him a cake (and proceed to eat it), I also knew that it was the start of a new year and I have a few more pounds to lose before I'm at my goal weight. So... no cake:(

I try not to make New Years resolutions because honestly I would not keep them and I know it! There are many things I'd like to do this year, like lose these pounds, read the bible more, spend more time w/ M, travel some(HA!!) and the list goes on and on. However, if I do these things, great! If I don't, oh well. Being a Mommy I am just glad to get through with everyone fed and somewhat clean these days. New Years resolutions just aren't for me!

Now, what C is doing now that he is a half year old!

  • He is rolling so much but can't quite figure out how to get from his tummy to his back and gets MAD!
  • Wants to sit up, but hasn't mastered it yet.
  • Eating like a mad man. He loves solid food. I nurse him 4 times throughout the day, he gets cereal once a day, and a fruit and veggie one time a day. At night before bed he gets a formula bottle.
  • Still not on a schedule really with naps. Just gets them when he can:)
  • He loves, loves, loves his sister and thinks that she is the funniest person ever. I LOVE it! I hope that they always love each other so much:)
  • C is a happy boy most of the time and is so content to just be.
  • Is enjoying his exersaucer and jumperoo. His little legs are so strong - and chunky - and he can get these things really moving when he wants to.
  • He is starting to like peek-a-boo and having raspberries blown on his belly.
  • He puts EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING in his mouth. I'm worried about when he starts to crawl and can get all of S's little toys which are strewn across the floor at all times.

**6 Month Stats(1/20/2011)

  • Weight - 19.2lb (68%tile)
  • Height - 28.5in (93%tile)
  • Head Circumference - 18.1in(92%tile)

I'm not really sure where the last 6 months have gone, but they have really just flown by!!!


Anonymous said...

What position does he play on the football team? What a little chunk-a-roo.Soooo cute!! He thinks his sister is so funny because she is!!

Jessica said...

Adorable!!! I can't believe it's been 6 months already! Such a good baby:-)

Double Dees in SC said...

He really is THE happiest least every time I see him. Shall I come over @ 2am and be proven otherwise? :)