Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Getting Ready for Halloween

This afternoon Gigi came for a visit: and we had fun with Halloween activities!

We, or should I say I, carved a pumpkin!  S drew it for me, and watched just a little bit as I cut it, they took enough time to dip a small handful out "guts" out and that was about it!  They were too busy playing with friends and riding tractors!  Maybe one year they'll really get into the carving part:)

After an early dinner, we went to a nearby church fall festival.  They had a trunk-or-treat which I have never done and it was very cool!  All of the trunks were decorated so well!  And the games that were provided were so impressive!  The kids also enjoyed jumping on the inflatables(C) and doing crafts(S) before we called it a night and made our way back to the house to get some sleep before tomorrow's festivities!!!

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