Saturday, October 19, 2013

1st Camping Trip

Last night the kids had their first camping experience!

Amazing - yet very tiring!!

We went with our friends to Chau Ram Park in Oconee County.  M and I had been there about 7 years ago, before kids, and remembered it as being a really easy campground with enough for the kids to do so they would not get bored!

We left after lunch yesterday and got to the park around 3pm.  We set up camp as fast as we could, let the kids play on the playground, and then went hiking along the river!  It was gorgeous weather!  We could not have asked for a better afternoon.

Once the kids starting getting fussy, we made our way back to our site and prepared a fancy meal of hot dogs and chips followed by s'mores(without the chocolate which is hands down the best part but I apparently forgot it and have yet to find it!).  The kids enjoyed the fire and cooking the food!

Then it was bedtime and this was the part of the trip I was dreading!  The kids bounced around and played and were crazy for about 45 minutes before finally settling down.  They did better than I thought they would throughout the night, but it was far from a restful night, not to mention it started raining/drizzling at 3am and did so off and on until we finally got up for good about 7:15am.

The weather was touch and go so we ate breakfast(PopTarts and apples...haha!) and then broke down camp before going on another hike.  It turned out to be a great hike, with just a little rain, and the kids had a ball playing by the river(they both claimed later when asked that hiking and playing in the water was their favorite part of camping)!

PopTarts don't last very long, so by 10:30am we were ready to leave and get something more substantial in our bellies.  It ended up being pretty much lunch by the time we finished and after we ate we said bye to our friends and made our way back to the house!

It was definitely a fun camping trip, and we will do it again(maybe next spring or summer), but I think we'll plan to stay for two nights next time because it was a lot of work for our 24 hour adventure!!

Here's to a good night sleep tonight:)

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