Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Few Pictures from the Past Couple of Weeks

C went to work with Daddy while S and I were at the field trip!
They left bright and early and didn't get home until 6:30pm!
Daddy worked him hard - and he loved every minute of it!!!

Our neighbors came over and the girls put each other in picture frames:)

Papa Murphy's Pizza has Jack O Lantern pizzas for Halloween!
I couldn't resist getting one!

This is the way my day started... ugh!

S went to a birthday party at Club Tabby!

After I finish running with him in the stroller, we have a ritual
of him pushing the stroller back to the car:)

Enjoying birthday presents:)
C and I met up with friends at the CAT Art Studio.  He enjoyed the art
for about 30 minutes, but was then on to other things - climbing trees(which he
ended up falling out of!) and playing with the tractor:)  That's
my boy!

We went to the neighbors and C decided he wanted to swing in the
pink baby swing while wearing his bike helmet - whatever!

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