Tuesday, October 8, 2013

6 Years Old!!


I say it every year, and I mean it just a bit more each time, but how can another year have passed already!?!?

This morning, our six year old woke up to doughnut "cake" pops for breakfast!  I gave her a card and her very first pack of gum(we saved the presents for later when M was home).  She was beside herself with her breakfast celebration!  The fact that she is now allowed to have gum made her day!!  We could have stopped her special day right there and she would have been happy as a clam:) She finished off the entire pack of gum in one day - she chews for about 3 minutes and then spits it out and gets another piece!  Hysterical!

I took her to school, dropped C off at his school, and then went back to S's school to eat lunch with her!  I brought treats for her and her classmates, ate with her and then stayed around and helped out in her class for a bit before heading back to get C-man from school!

She had a soccer game tonight(and played AWESOME!) where they sung "Happy Birthday" to her and then we came home and she got to open presents from us - finally!  It is hard for a kid to wait all day for the presents:)

She loved her day and felt very special, just as she should!

Happy Birthday, Princess!!!!

Doughnut "cake" pops for breakfast

Excited about her gum!

Happy birthday girl

Birthday crown from school and gum in hand - haha!

Too much partying for the boy!

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