Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!

What a FUN Halloween we had today!

After taking S to school, C and I met my mom back at the house.  She brought us breakfast:)  That itself was enough of a luxurious treat for me!

We then took C to his gymnastics class and to our surprise, the parents/grandparents were able to come in and observe the first part of the class as well as get a chance to jump on the inflatable trampoline(I want one!!).  C was not sure what to do with all the attention on him and seemed a little embarrassed, but gradually warmed up to us being in there and started doing his stuff!  He did such a great job of listening and it is really crazy how good his eye-hand coordination is!

Then it was off to the mall for us... I truly do not like the mall!  I found out yesterday, that the kids are going to have their Christmas pictures taken on Saturday and I needed to find tights and a bow for S and my mom is much better at that kind of stuff than I am!  We walked the entire length of the mall and C walked the entire time, staying with us.  Such a trooper!!!  We found what we needed for S and the boy scored a pretty cool Superman shirt and sunglasses out of the trip which he was thrilled about!

Time to pick up S from school!!!  She was so glad to see that Gigi was still visiting and hadn't left yet!

After some play time, we had an early dinner and then got the kids dressed for trick-or-treating on the street with the neighbors!  I guess this will be our last year participating with them, but it is such a fun time that we may have to come back and do it with them again even after we move!!!

The kiddos went to bed with visions of candy dancing in their heads!:)

C thought he was something else getting his picture
taken with Ethan!

C opened Ms. Judy's door right up and walked in!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Christmas pics tomorrow? Bummer no shirt yet!