Tuesday, September 16, 2014

We Have Moved!!!


We finally did it!!

Last Wednesday the moving truck pulled up into our driveway, moved us to our new house, unpacked the truck and then left us with a huge pile of boxes!!:)  HAHA!!

It has been a week and we still have boxes everywhere and no furniture to fill an empty house, but we are living here and loving it!!!

We do not have internet or TV right now, so we are having to get creative and the kids have spent hours upon hours playing outside!  I am holed up right now in my car outside Dunkin' Donuts using their WIFI!  LOL!

It's an adventure every day right now just finding what we need!

Packing up the night before the big move day!

It was almost surreal to see this when I came home from dropping
the kids off at school!

1st night in new room

They were so super excited!

Still stuck in endless car lines!

I had lunch with S and helped out in her class before
getting her out for an early dismissal!  She was excited
to go pick up C with me!

There has been LOTS of dressing up to keep them entertained!

We are very much lacking in the furniture department:)

Helping Daddy build a storage unit for his room!  Totally his
idea to take his shirt off while he was being a worker man - must
have seen too many construction workers during the house

Our church is celebrating 150 years and they had dinner at
the church gym one night with free ice cream from the ice cream
truck!  My kids had never seen an ice cream truck before and the novelty
of it was almost more than they could handle!!

C was lucky enough to accompany me to the DMV one day!
Poor kid!!

More dressing up!

Pumpkin is BACK at Dunkin' Donuts!  Oh yeah!!

She wants to audition for a part in the church Christmas play!
She was studying hard one morning!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Yay!!! Can't wait to see the new house. Now you are thrilled!