Tuesday, September 9, 2014

First Soccer Game

C had his first soccer game tonight and was too stinkin' cute!!!!

He had quite the fan club with me, M, S and Gigi cheering for him on the sidelines!

When the game first started, it was clear he had NO.CLUE. what he was suppose to be doing!  After he finished his first of 2 quarters on the field, Gigi took time to explain to him what he was suppose to be doing and he followed pretty close to what she was saying!  When he got out there to play his 2nd quarter, he was like a bullet out of a gun!  Totally different kid out there playing!!  He dashed down the field and got the ball, and then it went out of bounds, behind the goal, but that didn't stop his determination as he picked up the ball(yes, with his hands!!) and put it back in front of the goal, gave it a swift kick and got his FIRST GOAL!!  It was priceless and I wish I had it on video, but I will remember that for a very long time!:)  He was quite proud of himself and we all cheered as if he really had gotten a legit goal!

He could be a really good little soccer player, he just has to learn how to get the ball away from the other team and not get mad when he can't get it!

It will be fun to watch him play this season and see how much he improves!:)

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Wow that last shot is a pro position. Go Colton!!!!! Can't wait to hear how this season goes.