Monday, September 1, 2014

Bye Bye August

A few extra pictures I found on my phone:

He's happiest when he is outside!!

We've started going to church on Wednesday nights and eating
dinner there as well!  The kids love it, but I haven't quite got the
timing figured out yet!  We still have lots of time to kill between
when we finish dinner and when the next activities start!  This picture
was taken in the church library where I was attempting to occupy
the restless natives:)

Yes, they sit like this quite often.  This picture cracks me up because
I just happened to catch a moment when she thought something
was obviously very funny and he was totally not amused!

M was giving the kids a lesson on money one morning!  You can see
their enthusiasm!  Very humorous to watch..haha!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Love that picture of the two of them. Looks like she woke him up with her laughter!